An Alternative To Fossil Fules

Wind Turbines

Wind power is an essential component of many off-grid power systems and at Leading Edge we specialise in the manufacture of small wind turbines, both horizontal and vertical, to suit any location.

Wind Essential In Temperate Zones

Locations above a latitude of 55oN suffer a 70-90% drop in solar irradiation during the winter.

Prolongs Battery Life

Wind continues to charge batteries overnight, reducing the depth of discharge and extending the life of deep-cycle batteries.

More Wind When You Need It Most

In many parts of the world, it’s windier in the winter, just when solar input is at its lowest.

24 Hour Generation

Power is generated whenever the wind blows, unlike solar which is limited to daytime.

How It Works

Does A Mounted Wind Turbine Work?

The way that wind turbines work is very simple:

The blades of the turbine are turned by the wind
This causes the axis to rotate
The axis is attached to a generator
The generator produces direct current (DC) electricity
An inverter converts the DC electricity to alternating current (AC)
The AC electricity is then used to power the home

The stronger the wind, the more electricity will be generated

What We Offer

40% Of All Wind Energy In Europe Blows Over The UK

Harnessing the power of micro-wind or small-wind turbine systems wind to generate electricity, micro-wind or small-wind turbine systems in an exposed position, can produce more than enough energy to power the lights and electrical appliances in a typical home.

Horizontal Turbines

High-efficiency design aerofoil design of the rotor blades is able to convert 20% of the energy in the wind into useful energy to charge batteries.

Low cut-in speed power production starts at just 3m/s wind speeds.
Ideal for average wind sites & excellent power production and ideal when power loads are high, up to 100W continuous.

Lightweight and easy to mount aluminium alloy chassis results in a lightweight turbine that’s top pole mounted.

Vertical Tubines

Rugged for harsh environments stainless steel blades, proven Savonius rotor design and build quality enables it to survive winds up to 35m/s (80mph).

Compact pole side-mounting enables mounting in places where space is limited.

Aesthetically pleasing minimal visual impact.

Safe blades rotate at lower speeds than a horizontal turbine, reducing the likelihood of injury.

Get Started

Take advantage of the latest Renewable Energy technology and reduce your Carbon Footprint.